For the second class of study skills,Miss Shamsinar has taught us about 'Memory Learning and Improving Concentration.CONCENTRATION means focusing your attention on what you are doing.There were few causes of poor concenration that I know from what miss has taught last week.Firstly is when you are lack of attention.Students nowadays are too attached with their smartphones that they can never be apart with it,not even for half an hour.Their gadgets that they bring along during classes have distract them to pay full attention in the class.

     Secondly,lack of interest.When you are not interested with certain topics/subjects that will cause you to not focus in class and by the end of the semester you will not have enough time to catch up with everything that you have learned.Thirdly,when you are lack of motivation.Counsellor should play their role if they are students that are facing with the problem.Maybe these kind of students are having a lot of problems with their lives which had turned them into someone who has a very negative thinking and not wanting to study.

     Forthly,uncomfortable environment can lessen your concentration in class/while you are studying alone.Everyone has their own ways of study.Some people can bear studying at place that is hot but some can't.So if you are not comfortable with the place that you are supposed to be studying,then you should find a better place to study.Last but not least is because of physiological & psychological matters.

     If you want to improve your concentration,you can use SQ3R.Nawwww,what does that stand for?

S - Survey

Q - Question

R - Read

R - Recite

R- Review


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