Here is where my story begins,I'm just another ordinary girl who was born and raised in heart of Kuantan,Pahang.I'm a home grown was born in Kuantan in the mid year of 1999.Being the youngest among three sisters have its perks and downside.The good thing of being the youngest is I have sisters who indirectly shaped me into who I am today.By mentioning how my sisters shaped me; I would say that it has actually affect of my mood and hobbies.I'm a huge fan of Justin Bieber.I could tell thousands of stories of him on here (and a little secret; I have posters of him in my room!)
      One of the perks being the youngest - I was pampered by my sisters who knew that I love Justin Bieber, they buy me stuffs of Justin Bieber! And I'm proud to say I've collections of his perfume,album and shirts.

      Back to myself again.Of these 18 years of living,moving from a city Kuantan where everything is within a reaching distance (despite some minor traffic congestion sometimes) to a rural area,Raub is not really a big deal to me.I went to Rawang Integrated Boarding School (RIBS) for 2 years and lo and behold! It has taught me valuable lessons in life.


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