🕛 🕘 🕣 What is time?What I really understand about T I M E?To me time is the most important thing in your life because it is something that we can’t turn back.Once it’s gone,it will forever be gone and there’s nothing we can change about it.Whether you like it or not,you still need to go in with your life and never waste your time (if you ever did waste a lot of time before).Yesterday was the last class for UED102 for interim *sobs*.Madam Nursyahida Zulkifli has taught us Module 4 which is Time Management and Organization Skills. Now that you are a uni student you must manage your time wisely.There are 5 strategies of study system that we all need to do ; 1. Weekly schedule 2. Semester calendar 3. Daily pioneer 4. Academic vs personal life 5. Avoid procrastination The last strategy is VERY important.Procastination is a physical behavior that allows a person to postpone or delay a certain activity or task.If you